Tante Tajir Bandung

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Even in its most abbreviated form it takes 20 minutes to explain all the things that happen before the engines start on the flight that takes you on holiday. For anyone with a fear of flying knowing about the care that goes into getting ready for a flight makes a difference to how they feel when taking a flight. The well-known saying 'Knowledge is power', is often quoted but it's nowhere more relevant than in flying, especially if you're scared. Here's a summary what happens before you even board the flight.

The crew meet about an hour before the flight. While the pilots check the route and weather and decide how much fuel they'll need. The cabin crew find out about the passengers and the services they'll be offering on the flight. Most airlines take their crews to the aircraft together and plan to be at the plane about 35 minutes prior to departure. One pilot checks the outside of the plane while the other 'sets' all the instruments for the flight. Meanwhile the cabin crew are checking all the safety equipment on board and ensuring that the food and beverages have been loaded and are sufficient for the flight. As soon as the crew have completed their checks the senior crew member will let the departure lounge know that they are ready to board the passengers.

For so many people with a fear of flying this is the moment when all those weeks or months of anxiety and all the efforts to overcome their fears will be put to the test. But it's important to remember that everything we do in commercial aviation is about safety, cabin service and passenger welfare are second to safety. Without safety and airline has no reputation. So as you board your flight be confident that you are in safe hands.

While you take your seat the engineer is completing their checks, the refueller will have put the fuel on board, and the airline's operations department will submit the flight plan to Air Traffic Control. Once you are settled the crew will make sure that the number of passengers is the same as the number checked in and confirm this with the dispatcher who will give the captain the weight and loading information for the flight. Once the captain has signed and accepted the 'papers' the plane is almost ready for the flight. Finally the engineer brings the aircraft maintenance log to the cockpit for the captain to sign and then and only then is it time to close the doors and start the engines.

The thing that passengers with a fear of flying won't see of course is the constant checking and cross checking of everything that the crew and ground staff do. They won't see the tightly enforced procedures that an airline has to use. They won't see the years of sophisticated training that ensures that every crew member is operating to the highest standards. If you have a fear of flying be confident that nothing is left to chance on your flight, everything is checked and double checked every procedure is approved everything is performed to the highest standards.
You can not travel more safely than on a modern jet aircraft...not even cycling to your local grocery store, flying is the safest form of transport. Meanwhile stay informed and remember that flying is normal and for everyone in the world of commercial aviation it's the best job in the world.

52 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

mau dunk..........085883777018

adid mengatakan...


dicky mengatakan...

dtnggu tlp ny k 085717566973

Butuh Tante mengatakan...

Buat tante yang mau ditemenin maen di Bandung call ja 087823493393

AgusRyaldi mengatakan...

sayyy call me or sms ya di 087721783678,,,jgn kagak ya
trim's sayyy.......

deni mengatakan...

tante kalo perlu saya call aja 08986920241

agung mengatakan...

mau dung tante..
call me tante 081910430456 khusus bandung

Anonim mengatakan...

Mau dong Tante
Ari 083822933245

raden mengatakan...

mau donk tan...
call me 087879649189
di tunggu loh..

sadega mempesona mengatakan...

bahwa kalian memang puitis
kalo gue siihhh RASIONAL <<<<<<< BACA

aekafishing mengatakan...


Anonim mengatakan...

Mau Non kontak aku 083822933245

Unknown mengatakan...


Anonim mengatakan...

Apa Semua Ini..!!!
Bodoh Kalian Semua Ditipu..!!
udah posting² nope..

indra mengatakan...

Mau Aza di bohongin...

Unknown mengatakan...

call me tante 087722522227.im wait
Aditya bandung

BRYAN mengatakan...


Unknown mengatakan...

buat tante yg pengen kenal aq invite my pin 2136ab06

Unknown mengatakan...

Tante qu tunggu khabarmu 083807502887

Unknown mengatakan...

tante ku tunggu khabarmu 083807502887

Unknown mengatakan...

hayong ath, kpan ada wkt?

Unknown mengatakan...

please untuk tante2 bandung yang bener butuh kepuasan yang serius hubungi 085722258712/277d8dcf
buat tante2 yang ada di bandung yg serius untuk dpat kepuasan,INGAT YANG SEERIUS BUKAN YANG MAIN2!!!!

WARBEE 12 mengatakan...

khusus daerah bandung buat tante" yang perlu kehangatan !!

Unknown mengatakan...

andreas (cimahi) 081809298545

Unknown mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Unknown mengatakan...

andreas (cimahi) butuh uang,buat tante yg minat add 20F56437 atw sms/call 081809298545

Unknown mengatakan...

Untuk wanita segala usia
Apabila anda ingin mencari jasa pemuas seks anda langsung saja call me untuk daerah bandung dan sekitarnya 085722258712 3274B8E5
(masih berondong) terjamin identitas dan kepuasan anda

Unknown mengatakan...

topan hidayat bandung.

Unknown mengatakan...

buat tanten yang butuh kengahangatan dan ke puasan hbungi aku di 08572117970 dijamin rahasia terjagak bisa nego samapi puas jika tdk puas unag kmbali

Unknown mengatakan...

call aq dong tante 089615418324

Unknown mengatakan...


Unknown mengatakan...

let's party at bandung! vian ... 08998704753

Unknown mengatakan...

te klu memang mau puas full hott cantum kn no hp atau bh

Unknown mengatakan...

Buat tante2 yang berdomisili di Makassar dan sekitarnya , hubungi aku di nomor 082 345 749 500 (Bisa Melalui SMS), aku jamin kepuasan anda dan juga rahasia pribadi anda... Thanks

Unknown mengatakan...


Unknown mengatakan...

aku diaz bndung
di tunggu ping`a

Unknown mengatakan...

call me 0878 2509 3211

tante giran tajir kaya mengatakan...

phone me 085763251431

bandung kota

tante giran tajir kaya mengatakan...


travel jakarta jabodetabek tasik ciamis banjar banjarsari padaherang pangandaran majenang mengatakan...

mau donk tante..
phon ak ea..08999730075
djmin puas

Andrie Fahmy mengatakan...

new comer andrieag@ymail.com

Fahri mengatakan...

NAMA SAYA:fahri adam
umur: 21 tahun
Sekedar mencari kenyamanan dan kepuasaan untuk kaum hawa yang suka berpetualang di dunia birahi yang menggoda, mulai dari cewek cewek muda, JANDA dan TANTE atau ” HOT MAMA’ ‘” yang berdomisili di Medan.. Berondong Muda menyediakan jasa : KEKASIH PANGGILAN, SIMPANAN, PACAR BAYARAN, BODYGUARD PRIBADI dan tentu nya di tambah dengan layanan RANJANG yang luar biasa.. Juga bersedia melayani tamu di luar MEDAN.. Kepuasan yang di beri adalah jaminan nyata untuk konsumen.. Harga bukan yang utama tapi kenyamanan dan kepuasan anda yang lebih utama..
Untuk hal yang lebih pasti dan private, anda bisa menghubungi kita.
Contact person : 087867577214
tidak melayani sms -

Unknown mengatakan...

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Unknown mengatakan...


MARTABAK UNYIL AWZ mengatakan...


Unknown mengatakan...

085860331912 khusus bandung bsa pijat refleksi

Unknown mengatakan...

buat tante yg mau d temenin call 08975520037

Unknown mengatakan...

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Remi Elu mengatakan...

te.....call q ya di sini...085253224961

Unknown mengatakan...


Unknown mengatakan...

59918393 My pin

Unknown mengatakan...

59918393 My pin

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